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Mixed Hardwood Flooring: Style Guide for 2022

Classic wood flooring is featured in millions of homes worldwide, but another trend is taking the globe by storm: mixed hardwood flooring. This style guide explains exactly what mixed hardwood flooring is and provides practical ideas to incorporate it into your home. What Is Mixed Hardwood Flooring? In the past, hardwood floors were installed using [...]

How To Build Rustic Picture Frames Using Reclaimed Wood

There's something special about making things yourself. Especially when it's going to be a focal point in your home. At Manomin Resawn Timbers, we love all things reclaimed wood, and we love DIY projects too! In today's post, we'll give you everything you need to create your own rustic reclaimed wood picture frames. Determine the [...]

7 Ways To Make Your Wood Look Old (Wood Aging Tactics)

While new wood in a home is nice for projects like flooring or paneling, it lacks the appeal and vintage aesthetic that's gained from older, aged wood. If you can't afford to purchase reclaimed wood from a dealer like Manomin Resawn Timbers, there are ways to age wood synthetically and make it look great. Today [...]

How To Install Paneling: Reclaimed Wood Panel Installation Guide

Shiplap has been a commonly used feature in many homes for decades. But shiplap falls short when looking for something original and exciting for your home or business. At this point, it's not original and doesn't offer what homeowners want in an accent wall. Reclaimed wood paneling offers originality, sustainability, and a unique way to [...]

Reclaimed Wood Beam Installation: Everything You Need to Know

Installing a wood beam isn't necessarily easy by any means. It can actually be really challenging to get it right. But the value and beauty that a reclaimed wood beam adds to your home is huge, and the benefits are long-lasting. Our guide will help walk you through the installation process, from purchasing a beam [...]

How To Install Your DIY Planked Wall (5 Simple Steps)

There are many different reasons you might want to install wood planking in your home. Install a DIY planked wall can add lots to your home and make for a beautiful accent wall. Instead, we're going to focus this post on exclusively "how to" install a planked wall. Thankfully this is one of those projects [...]

Top 4 Places To Buy A Reclaimed Wood Stool (DIY Home Bar Design Tips)

While reclaimed wood looks beautiful as flooring, paneling, or timbers, it can be equally stunning when used in more subtle ways. Recently on our blog, we've been covering all different types of reclaimed wood furniture and how they can work together or on their own to offer beautiful designs for any home. Today, we're covering [...]

How To Add A Reclaimed Wood Vanity To Your Bathroom

Ready to take your bathroom to the next level with a reclaimed wood vanity? Reclaimed wood always looks beautiful, especially if you can integrate it into a master bath. But, finding the right vanity and incorporating it in the right way can sometimes be a challenge. We can help you find the right reclaimed wood [...]