As dealers of reclaimed wood, we at Manomin Resawn Timbers get to see some pretty unique materials go through our doors. One of our absolute favorites for both its stunning appearance and rich history is the very rare Antique Wormy Chestnut.
Due to the near extinction of the once abundant American Chestnut tree, this variety of lumber is very difficult to find, and can only be acquired by salvaging antique wood from around the country. Those who are lucky enough to get their hands on rare wormy chestnut wood will be rewarded with patterns and details not found in any other variety.
The Great American Chestnut Tree
Our Antique Wormy Chestnut Wood is reclaimed from paneling that was originally milled at the beginning of the 20th century. Prior to this time, there were about 4 billion American Chestnut trees growing in the forests of the Eastern United States.
This immense resource was not only a great source of hardwood timbers, but was of huge ecological importance with 60 species of animals using it for food. From New England to Mississippi Native Americans and European settlers alike made use of American Chestnut trees for durable building and nutritious food.
The wood from these trees was straight grained and naturally rot resistant, making them the preferred choice for building everything from flooring to railroad ties. Nearly all chestnut wood used today is recovered from old barns, cabins, and other structures built from these robust timbers.
The American Chestnut Blight Brings The Forest To Its Knees
This once abundant and important part of our American forests is now nearly impossible to find in its native range. In the space of about 50 years, the entire population of American Chestnut trees was destroyed by a fungal disease introduced through foreign trade.
The American Chestnut Blight found its way into our forests on the backs of Japanese chestnut trees that were imported at the end of the 19th century. The first report of the disease was in 1904 at the New York Zoological Park in the Bronx.
Without any natural resistance to the fungus, chestnut trees all over the country were quickly infected, and the American chestnut blight decimated the population. Attempts to control the disease and replant American chestnuts have not been successful, though there are current efforts to breed resistant strains.
The American chestnut blight cannot however kill the rootstock of the trees it infects, so the species lives on but is unable to grow to maturity. Now considered “functionally extinct,” the American chestnut can only be found on the building market through reclaimed wormy chestnut lumber from the early 19th century.
So What Is Wormy Chestnut Wood?
As the American Chestnut Blight spread across the country, billions of infected trees were left susceptible to damage by insects. When the sick trees were harvested, the holes and marks left by the bugs became a distinct quality of American chestnut lumber of the time.
Since the trees never recovered from the blight, wormy chestnut wood has become a very special relic of American history. Lumber with those distinct wormholes represent the last American chestnut wood ever harvested.
The wormy chestnut wood itself is a beautiful material that will be sure to add character to any home. You would be hard pressed to find lumber that so elegantly wears its history on its face.
Why Use Wormy Chestnut Wood In Your Home?
Our antique wormy chestnut wood is a unique choice for your project that brings with it elegantly rustic aesthetics as well as sturdy building quality. Whether you are interested in wormy chestnut flooring, an accent wall, or an entire ceiling, you will find it to be an enchanting addition to your home.
Before the blight, American chestnut was heavily used for building due to its hardness and durability, and our wormy chestnut wood is no different. Despite the effects of the disease and insect damage, wormy chestnut is still a prized building material with superior sturdiness.
At Manomin Resawn Timbers we kiln dry our reclaimed wood to ensure that no pests survive in the wood before it is sent to your home. This process allows you to lay to rest any unease that might home with using the wood and just enjoy the stunning patterns.
The coloring of our wormy chestnut wood can be from golden honey to a deep brown, with variation within each plank. The natural discoloration from the trees mixes with the patina from over one hundred years of aging to create a wonderful texture with rich tones and deeply etched grains and knots.
The namesake wormholes push the wormy chestnut wood that extra bit over the line into a truly one of a kind material. You will find yourself pondering each one of those old marks in your newly paneled wall.
Take A Look At Some More Of Our Antique Wormy Chestnut Wood
The distinct marks and deep coloring of wormy chestnut wood makes it ideal for a more rustic design approach. The reclaimed wood paneling is perfect when matched with other reclaimed or natural material elements.
The recreation room pictured above hosts our beautiful wormy chestnut paneling in the form of an inviting accent wall. The slightly warmer tones of the planks pair nicely with the darker reclaimed timbers that line the room, producing a timeless antique feel.
This antique wormy chestnut paneling makes up a gorgeous half wall along with some effective stone tiles. Together these natural materials create a cozy cabin aesthetic for the new bathroom.
The panels showcase the characteristic wormholes and varied colors that come along with wormy chestnut wood. These features gives you something to look at while creating a truly one-of-a-kind design.
This moody hunting lodge features our antique wormy chestnut flooring with a darker finish. The naturally rich hues of the wood take well to the design of the entire room, lending character and grit.
The superior durability of chestnut wood makes it a great choice for flooring, especially in a busy room like this one. The holes and aged patina further the look of a well worn but tough surface.
Get Your Hands On Some Rare Wormy Chestnut
As such a rare and hard to find resource, it’s important to jump on any source of wormy chestnut wood that you can find. If you love the looks of this lumber, seek it out as soon as you can – it isn’t getting easier to acquire!
Reach out to us at Manomin Resawn Timbers to see our collection of reclaimed wormy chestnut wood and any other reclaimed lumber you might need.